I met Torrie almost 2 years ago now. I did her maternity session and since then she’s been using Yehleen Photography to capture her and her family’s portrait session. Not only she’s a client but she became a good friend. She is such a beautiful woman with a great heart.
She is also an amazing horse rider and we decided to do this fun shoot. I sent her a questionnaire and you will get to know more about her :-) She is just the sweetest!
Do you consider yourself a good rider?
I would consider myself a good rider, but definitely not the best. I’m always learning new things, especially from my husband Brian. He’s a good horseman.
Favorite color of horse?
Dappled grey with black mane and tail.
Biggest riding strength and weakness?
My biggest strength in riding is being willing to learn and being able to remind myself that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. Sometimes riding and training can be exhausting because horses have minds of their own, but its very rewarding and makes me so happy.
My biggest weakness is not having abundance of patience haha. Sometimes I get impatient when teaching horses new things, but riding definitely teaches patience and to communicate though your body with your teammate.
What discipline do you ride?
The discipline that I ride is considered Western, but more specifically, Barrel Racing.
If you could switch disciplines, what would you do?
If I could switch disciplines entirely, I would be interested in trying jumping.
Favorite breed of horses?
American Quarter Horse
Worst Fall?
My worst fall happened about four years ago. My husband and I were riding two young horse that he was breaking and training. His horse spooked and started bucking, then mine did the same. While he was able to hold on I got bucked off. The result was a visit to the ER, a severe concussion, sprained neck, and a bleed in my spleen that, thankfully, did stop bleeding on it’s own. Needless to say, I was very hesitant to climb on the back of that colt again!
How long have you been riding?
I have been riding since I was only a few months old. My family has always owned horse and I love them.
Ever ridden on the beach?
I have never ridden horses on the beach, but it’s definitely on my bucket list :-)
Ever ridden completely tackless?
No I haven’t ridden tackless. I’m not sure if I’m that brave or if I just have never ridden a horse that I trust that much lol!
If you could ride anywhere, where would you ride?
Every cowgirl’s dream is to one day ride at the Nation Final’s Rodeo in Las Vegas! It’s my dream too!
Do you compete?
I am not currently competing due to not have a horse that is trained and ready to compete.
Biggest show you’ve ever competed in?
The biggest show I have ever competed in was the Crawfish Craze 5D Barrek Race in Monroe, LA. It usually has around 400 or more barrel races compete for over $25,000.
If you could train anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
If I could train with anyone it would have to be Sherry Cervi. She is a great teacher and trainer and has accomplished some of the most incredible things in barrel racing history. I really look up to her.
Favorite horse movie?
My favorite horse movie is Walk. Ride. Rodeo. It’s a very motivational, true story.